5 March 2017

Spanisches Liederspiel


7:00 PM


The Vocalis Consort

Christ Saint Stephen's Church 120 WEST 69TH STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10023
New York NY

The Vocalis Consort Presents - Spanisches Liebeslieder

$20 , 7pm
The Vocalis Consort Presents

Spanisches Liebeslieder

Featuring Robert Schumann’s Spanisches Liederspiel op.74, which represents a unique experiment in Schumann’s output, for it combines two genres, the song cycle and the Singspiel, into one hybrid work. The program will be also including songs by Carlos Guastavino and Fernando Obradors, among others.

The Vocalis Consort

Sonya Headlam, soprano

Sahoko Sato Timpone, mezzo-soprano

Christopher Sierra, tenor

Sean McCarther, baritone

Igor Correa, actor

Martin Néron, piano

$20.00 General Admission

7:00 pm

For more info, please call 732-640-7162

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